>>> from fetch_uniprot_metadata import * >>> gene_entry, genes = protein_entry(VEGFA) >>> protein_function = protein_function(gene_entry) # saves function as string >>> amino_acid_seq = protein_AASeq(gene_entry) # amino acid sequence
>>> from get_kegg_pathway import get_pathway >>> get_pathway(VEGFA)
>>> from protein_atlas import get_atlas_xml >>> get_atlas_xml(VEGFA)
>>> from xml_parser import protein_atlas_parser >>> protein_atlas_parser('xml/protein_atlas/VEGFA_protein_atlas_data.xml')0 Protein Name: VEGFA Tissue expression summary: Most cancers showed strong cytoplasmic immunoreactivity. Lymphomas were in general moderately stained. Description: Antibody staining mainly consistent with RNA expression data. At least one protein variant secreted, tissue location of RNA and protein might differ and correlation is complex. RNA Cancer Specificity: Low cancer specificity ...
Le changement climatique rendant les saisons de croissance moins prévisibles, les scientifiques recherchent une nouvelle approche pour renforcer la résilience...